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Publications & Presentations



  • Möbius, Sascha, ed. A Cultural History of War in the Age of Enlightenment. 1650-1800 (A Cultural History of War and Conflict, Vol. 4). London: Bloomsbury, 2022. (in progress)

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. Prussian Army Soldiers and the Seven Years War: The Psychology of Honour. London: Bloomsbury, 2019.

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “Introduction”. In A Cultural History of War in the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800), edited by Sascha Möbius. London: Bloomsbury, 2022. (in progress)

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “Fighting in Frederick II’s favorite musketeer regiment. A unique series of Prussian soldiers’ letters from the Seven Years War.” In: Festschrift for Christopher Duffy, edited by Alexander Burns. Solihull: Helion (to be published in 2022).

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “’Die Ehre der Waffen für den Glanz der Familie.’ Die spanischen Militärbeobachter im Siebenjährigen Krieg”. In The Seven Years War 1756-1763: Micro- and Macroperspectives, edited by Marian Füssel, 233-250. Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2021. [The Spanish Military Observers during the Seven Years War]

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “’There, the Officer has the Life of a Slave’: Honour, Faith and Professionalism. The Transfer of Military Values and Knowledge from Prussia to Spain in the Age of the Bourbon Reforms of Charles III”. In The Sea. Maritime Worlds of Life in the Early Modern Era, edited by P. Burschel and S. Juterczenka, 41-53. Cologne and Weimar: Böhlau, 2021.

  • Möbius, Sascha. “Introduction: Madrid – Manila – Mexico: The Eighteenth-Century Spanish Empire and Its Perceptions”. In The Sea. Maritime Worlds of Life in the Early Modern Era, edited by P. Burschel and S. Juterczenka, 7-11. Cologne and Weimar: Böhlau, 2020.

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “They imbibed their hate of the French with their mothers’ milk…” The Battle of Roßbach and mid-18th century Gallophobia. Journal of the Seven Years War Association 23, no. 2 (2020): 4-24.

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “Spanische Spionage im Siebenjährigen Krieg”. DAMALS 1 (2019): 68-71. [Spanish Military Espionage in the Seven Years War.]

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “Crossroads. US and Mexican Reactions to Repression in Europe 1930 – 1939”. In European and Latin American Social Scientists as Refugees, Émigrés and Return‐migrants, edited by L. Pries and P. Yankelevich, 23-67. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. PR

  • Translator Sascha Möbius (Spanish-German): Garcia-Hurtado, Manuel Reyes. “Die Rezeption deutscher Autoren im Spanien des ausgehenden Ancien Régime: Die Rolle der Marine und des Heeres.” Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift 77, no. 2 (2018): 357-386. [The Reception of German Authors in late ancien régime Spain: The role of the Navy and the Army.] PR

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “El Arte de la Guerra en el siglo XVIII – la elegancia de morir?” Desperta Ferro 24 (2016): 32-38.

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “Rossbach: el engaño perfecto”. Desperta Ferro 24 (2016): 20-27.

  • Möbius, Katrin and Sascha Möbius. “Die ‘San Patricios“ – Helden oder Verräter?” DAMALS 9 (2016): 58 – 63. [The „San Patricios“ – Heroes or Traitors? The Saint Patrick’s Battalion in the Mexican-American War.]

  • Möbius, Sascha. Das Gedächtnis der Reichsstadt. Unruhen und Kriege in der lübeckischen Chronistik und Erinnerungskultur des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Göttingen: v&r unipress, 2011. (PhD Thesis) [The imperial city’s memory. Unrest and war in the chronicles and culture of remembrance of Lübeck in the late middle ages and early modern era.]

  • Presentation at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History as part of the panel on “National Stereotypes and the Military Enlightenment” on “National Stereotypes in the Spanish Military Reforms of the late 18th Century” (28 April - 1 May 2022).

  • Presentation at the 53rd annual Conference of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, Starkville (MS) as part of the panel "Evaluating the Elightenment" on "Clash of Enlightenments - Military Reforms and the Enlightenment in Spain, Prussia, and France 1763-1808" (10-13 February 2022).

  • Presentation at the XIV COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL DE HISTORIOGRAFÍA EUROPEA Y XI JORNADAS DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA MODERNIDAD CLÁSICA, Mar del Plata. 23, 24, 25, y 26 de noviembre de 2021 as part of the panel "Poderes, conflictos y consensus" on "Los espías militares españoles convirtieron a sus compatriotas en prusianos? Las reformas militares borbónicas, sus modelos de actuación y su efecto en España y su imperio." (23 November 2021). [Remotely due to COVID 19]

  • Presentation at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History as part of the panel on “Reforming the Army, Reforming the Country: 18th century military reforms and their repercussions on internal politics and society” on “Changing the Spanish empire forever: The Bourbon military reforms and their effects on Spanish internal and external policy. A Spanish-German project by Katrin and Sascha Möbius” (13-14 November 2020) [Remotely because of COROVID 19]

  • Presentation at the 2021 Annual Fort Ligonier Symposium “The Global Art of War in the Eighteenth Century” on the Prussian Army in the Seven Years War (March 2021) [Remotely because of COVID 19]

  • Presentation at the 2019 conference of the Society for Military History as part of the panel on “Families, Laborers, and Communities in Eighteenth Century Imperial Warfare”: “Prussian Kantonists and their Families in the Seven Years War” (9-12 May 2019)

  • Presentation at the March 2018 conference of the University of Göttingen and the Historisches Kolleg Munich, “The Seven Years War – Micro- and Macro-perspectives” on the Spanish military observers during the Seven Years War. 3 March 2018.

  • Presentation at the Oct. 2017 Conference of the German Historians’ Association’s Commission for the Early Modern Era, “The Sea”, on the transfer of military knowledge during the Spanish military reforms in the 18th century. 7 October 2017

  • Presentation at the Oct. 2016 Conference in Mexico City on political repression and persecution in Europe in the 1930s, Chair of Panel “Travelling theories”. 4-5 October 2016

  • Presentation on the November/December conference of the Institute of Historical Research of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Army, Navy and the State: The Construction of the Spanish Imperial System in the 18the Century, on the Prussian influence of the Bourbon military reforms. 3 December 2015.

  • Presentation at the UNAM’s PhD-candidates’ forum for medieval history: “The Chronicles of the Imperial City of Lübeck and their Treatment of the Reconquista, Muslims and Infidels”, 28 October 2015.

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